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Temperature Wind Humidity/Barometer Rain Almanac
Current: 54 F
Feels Like: 53 F
0.7 mph WSW Humidity: 84 % Rain Today: 0.00 in Sunrise: 12:43 am
24 Hour Difference +15.1 F Gust: 1.4 mph Dew Point: 48.7 F Rain Rate (/hr):0.00 in Sunset: 12:49 pm
High Today:53 F 7:08 AM
Yesterday:69.8 F 3:49 PM
Today: 4.0 mph 6:53 AM Barometer: 29.43 inches Rain Yesterday: 0.00 in Moon Rise; 7:36 am
Low Today:48 F 12:00 AM
Yesterday:38.3 F 6:10 AM
This Month: 0.00 in  Moon Set: 7:08 pm
NWS Weather Forecast

Today Partly sunny. highs in the upper 70s. west wind 10 to 15 mph.

Tonight Colder. mostly clear. lows in the lower 40s. north wind 10 to 15 mph.

Saturday Cooler. partly cloudy with a chance of sprinkles in the morning, then mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers in the afternoon. highs around 60. light and variable wind becoming east 5 to 10 mph in the afternoon. chance of rain 20 percent.
Green Bay WI - Haven Way

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