Temperature | Wind | Humidity/Barometer | Rain | Almanac |
Current: 54 F Feels Like: 53 F |
0.7 mph WSW | Humidity: 84 % | Rain Today: 0.00 in | Sunrise: 12:43 am |
24 Hour Difference +15.1 F | Gust: 1.4 mph | Dew Point: 48.7 F | Rain Rate (/hr):0.00 in | Sunset: 12:49 pm |
High Today:53 F 7:08 AM Yesterday:69.8 F 3:49 PM |
Today: 4.0 mph 6:53 AM | Barometer: 29.43 inches | Rain Yesterday: 0.00 in | Moon Rise; 7:36 am |
Low Today:48 F 12:00 AM Yesterday:38.3 F 6:10 AM |
This Month: 0.00 in | Moon Set: 7:08 pm |
NWS Weather Forecast | ||
TODAY Today Partly sunny. highs in the upper 70s. west wind 10 to 15 mph. |
TONIGHT Tonight Colder. mostly clear. lows in the lower 40s. north wind 10 to 15 mph. |
SATURDAY Saturday Cooler. partly cloudy with a chance of sprinkles in the morning, then mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers in the afternoon. highs around 60. light and variable wind becoming east 5 to 10 mph in the afternoon. chance of rain 20 percent. |